Magical Mystical Symbol Libraries
- Our intent is to make symbols of power more available to the public. We have chosen the lossless .tif image format as the most useful format. All major word processors and DTP applications will import these files directly from the CD-ROM we will mail to you. All of the Symbol Libraries are available on ONE CD-ROM, priced at $15.00US
- Thumbnail Image Catalogs
of all libraries are available for viewing and downloading via the links immediately below. Clicking on the library image will bring up a Thumbnail Image Catalog of all the files in that library.
The General Library:7.6 Mb , 400+ files, an assortment from cultures and traditions around the world.
The General Library image catalog is a handy reference for browsing files on- or off-line.
The New Moon Library: 6.8 Mb, 300+ files, Gods, Goddesses, scenes, and astrological symbols. Everything a production artist needs for newsletters or magazines.
NOTE:The New Moon image catalog is a handy reference for browsing files on- or off-line.

The Decorative Art Library: 2.8 Mb, 200+ files of Celtic, North and South American, Egyptian, African & many other cultures' traditional decorative art.
NOTE:The Decorative Art image catalog is a handy reference for browsing files on- or off-line.
The Burning Times Library (Disturbing material!): 3.2Mb (2.2Mb zip), 50+ files (large images) of European Art from the 14th to the 18th centuries
NOTE:The Burning Times image catalog is a handy reference for browsing files on- or off-line.
- NOTICE. . . .
These libraries are in .tif (tagged image format), scanned at 300 dpi, B&W. They are ready to use when unzipped. Tagged Image Format is compatible with all major word & document processing apps. We have produced the html image catalogs, containing thumbnails of all files in all the libraries, to facilitate finding useful for that particular image. Feel free to download a library catalog (or more than one)
Now that you're all enthused and want to send an order...
Proceed to the MMS Orderform page...
Upom receipt of your check for 15$US it will rarely take more than a week for you to recieve you CD-ROM in the mail.
- this page was last modified on 11/23/97