Learn Wicca / Faerie Tradition

Rituals of Wicca

Goddess Invocation

Mother of ALL things.
Come to us.
You who it is a privilege and glory to fear.
Come to us.
Bringer of grain
Bringer of rain
Come to us.
Creator of motion,
and of the spaces between all grains of sand.
Creator of culture
I summon you
who was and are the first witch,
I summon you the sexual one
I invite you who
simply is. Menstruating, you gazed into the dark curve of outer space, saw yourself, and saw yourself beautiful. Fell in love with yourself. I call you forth for when you bleed you create ALL things that cannot be created during birth. I call upon you who loves and created God because HE is worthy of that love.
Fearsome one, child, Spring Dancer, hip swayer, You whose hot lust is tyrant, dragon, star dancer, star juggler, be here with us now.
Lady whose ecstacy brought forth God and all creation, be here with us now.
You, who when age deepens our wrinkles and wisdoms, reflect our hard won beauty back to us, be here with us now.

Copyright, F. De Grandis 1990, 92, 96

God Invocation

Our Sweet Lord, come to us.
You who were born worthy of her love, just as she is worthy of yours,
Good God, come to us.
You who walk by her as her equal.
You who never leaves her side because of love
YOU who are her anointed one.
You who forever raises your head to bless and be blessed.
Good God come to us.
You whom we need not fear
yet who is to be feared.
YOU who lead the spiral dance of ecstacy.
YOU who lead the spiral dance of ecstacy.
YOU who lead the spiral dance of ecstacy.
You who are the chosen one
whose dominion is like that of the sun over the land
You whose green sap drives spring budding.
You who are the willow dancing and the willow dancer.
You who dies each year with the grain, and is living still in the loaf.
You who resides in us, as us. Be with us now.
For we are your children
come to you in love.
Bring us your pleasure, and share our joy.

Copyright, F. De Grandis 1989, 92

Wiccan Food Magic

Use your imagination to do each of the following. You may find it more powerful if, at least for the first time, you do each rite in numerical order, before trying the next. This needn't be all in one sitting.

Everything in creation is made of the energy. Even something as seemingly lifeless as a rock is made of a living breathing -- yes, breathing -- dynamic energy. As you eat your meal, eat the food conscious of its raw power coming into you. Be specific: focus on just that most basic life force, nothing more sophisticated.

And\or eat the food conscious of its power specifically as a product of the earth. EG: feel the power of the earth in the food entering you as you eat it, then the power of the sun in it entering you, then the power of recycled stars in it entering you. You may want to try imbibing each of these three specifics one at a time, then any other traits the universe gives to all food.

A perfect mother, that's who the Goddess is. She does not judge us, nor condemn us. Her pleasure is to love us. Let your food fill you with Her love.

Food for battle: whatever traits you need for battle, imagine the food giving them to you as you eat.

Copyright 1995, Francesca De Grandis

A Wiccan Blessing for a Newborn

"Blessed be your breath.
May your breathing be deep and relaxed.
May you breathe in power with every breath you take.
Blessed Be each breath you take.

Blessed be the fire inside you.
May your will be unbroken.
And may it be as strong as fire, and as supple.
May your will be as strong as water, and as supple.
MAy your passions burn truly and free.
Blessed be your fire, may it burn strong.

Blessed be the waters of your life.
May your blood be strong.
May the flow from your loin be joyful and fertile.
Blessed be all your life-waters.
Blessed be the earth of your body.
May your muscles be strong and fearless.
May your heart beat with love, soul, vigour and courage.
Blessed be your body which is the body of a God.

Blessed be your spirit.
May you always have health in spirit.
May you be whole.
Blessed be your spirit.

May you always have community.

May you be prosperous in all ways.

May you love and be loved.

May your voice --
both your complaints and your special offerings to the world --
be truly heard.

May you always be surrounded by the warmth of family & community.
May you know the innate goodness of your being.

Blessed Be."

Francesca De Grandis, copyright 1996

Prayer: Gratitude to the cosmos

"Gratitude to the cosmos
swirling masses of dancers

dancer atoms
dancer gasses
dancer people
dancer animal people
dancer rocks
dancer of endless possibility
dancing emptiness
dancing reaches
& dancing arcs of outer space
dancing of all things that have ever been
and will ever be

Gratitude to the cosmos
And blessings."

by Francesca De Grandis, copyright 1992

After Gary Snyder's Prayer for the Great Family

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